Sunday, 4 November 2012

Assignment Two - Elements of Design - Corrections

Following feedback from my tutor, and some rethinking, I revised my theme to "Scenes from the Waterside".   My retained images from the original shoot in Norfolk are (including amendments suggested by my tutor) set out below, plus a few new ones.  The issue I had was that one of my images (the implied triangle of the garden bench scene - Implied Triangle 1) was not successful, and having no others to substitute, nor the opportunity to go back to Norfolk, I needed to amend my theme, in order to be able to reshoot another implied triangle.  I think the overall result though is a much stronger collection of images, than the original ones submitted.

Distinct, even if irregular, shapes 1
My tutor recommended I crop this photograph at the top of the frame to reduce the sky.  I agree that this works better and places greater emphasis on the windmill.

Horizontals and verticals
New image introduced as my tutor suggested my original "Horizontals and Verticals" made a better "Rhythm" image.

Curves 1
New "Curves" photograph introduce as the curve in the original inclusion of some hay bales was not obvious.

Single point
No change to "Single Point".

Two points
No change to "Two Points".


Originally "Horizontals and Verticals", image reclassified as "Rhythm".

And with new additions shot in the Lake District and alongside the Thames in order to fulfill the new theme of "Scenes from the Waterside":

Implied triangle 1
 Making use of converging diagonals to create a triangle by perspective.

Distinct, even if irregular, shapes 2

Many different shapes present in the Thames Barrier and the Tate Lyle factory on the Thames, to create a scene of jumbled composition.

Diagonals 1

Diagonals created by the light streams shut on a slow shutter speed; this was taken on Westminster Bridge at twilight.

Implied Triangle 2

Taken in the Lake District, an implied triangle is formed by the Ranger, the boulder on the ground and the boulder being dropped by the out of scene helicopter.

A Derwent Water duck forming concentric rings in the water by the flapping of its wings.

Several points in a deliberate shape

An arrowhead shape is formed by the steel gates of the Thames Barrier when viewed from a certain perspective.  This was one of the shots I struggled with in my Norfolk theme, so I am pleased to have replaced it with this one.

Diagonals 2

Diagonals formed by the construction piers and cranes, and their shadows.

Curves 2
Originally used for Colours assignment, this picture is better used to represent curves for this assignment.  There are curves present in the crest of the mountain ridge, the path leading from the left, the tree shaps, the pathes of light and even the gentle curvature of the lakeside.

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