Sunday 29 April 2012

Learning points thus far

Having completed all the exercises leading into Assignment One, I thought it would be useful to summarise the learning points from the course thus far, both reminders and new focus points:

  1. Spend as much time and as much care as possible over a photograph. At the moment, I spend more time processing afterwards and less time composing beforehand, so this needs to change.
  2. Look for interesting shapes, colours and textures.
  3. Learn from professional work; keep a scrap book of interesting images.
  4. Use different lenses, lengths and angles to get the right shot.
  5. Use aperture settings to set points in focus and other points out of focus
  6. Use panning to express movement
  7. Consider the position of the subject in the frame
  8. Make a sequence
  9. Take the same image with different focal lengths and different viewpoints
  10. Aim for balance in the frame
  11. Think about where to position the horizon
  12. Think about frame shapes and sizes: horizontal, vertical, square
  13. Crop photos to find new pictures within the same image
  14. Look for contrasts. 

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